You can register frequently used settings in a button of the machine for later use when scanning. You can also assign a name to a button and enter a comment. You can also delete or rename registered settings. Registering a Combination of Frequently Used Functions
<Display Confirmation for Favorite Settings>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can select whether to display a confirmation screen when recalling "Favorite Settings."
<Default Screen>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can specify the screen to display when <Scan and Send> or is pressed.
<Restrict Address Book Use>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can select whether to hide the Address Book and one-touch buttons on the Scan Basic Features screen, etc., as well as whether to restrict use of the Address Book.
<Change Default Settings>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can change the settings registered as default for the <Scan and Send> function.
<Register Options Shortcuts>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can register modes in the shortcut keys displayed on the <Scan and Send> screen. This feature is useful when you want to register frequently used functions.Customizing the Basic Features Screen
<TX Report>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
A TX Report is a report that enables you to check whether documents were sent correctly to their intended destinations. The machine can be set to print this report automatically after documents are sent or only when a transmission error occurs. You can also specify the setting to print the first part of the document as part of the report to remind you of the document's contents.
<Communication Management Report>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can print or send document sending/receiving logs as a report. The machine can be set to print or send this report when a specified number of communications (100 to 1,000) is reached or at a specified time. The send/receive reports can also be printed or sent separately.
You can select whether to add the sender information to the top of a sent document when sending a fax/I-fax. Information such as the fax number, name, and I-fax address of the machine is printed, enabling the recipient to check who sent the document.
The settings of the server machine are used when sending remote faxes.
<Delete Failed TX Jobs>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can select whether to automatically delete a document from memory when the sending/saving error occurs. Selecting <Off> enables you to resend/resave the documents that failed to send/save.
<Retry Times>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can set the number of times that the machine tries to automatically resend data when the data cannot be sent because the recipient is busy sending or receiving, or when an error occurs.
This setting is disabled when sending faxes.
<Data Compression Ratio>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can set the compression ratio for color/grayscale scanned data.
If you want to select compact or trace & smooth for the PDF file format or select compact for the XPS file format, it is recommended that you set <Data Compression Ratio> to <Normal> or <Low Ratio>. If you set it to <High Ratio>, images may be output in low quality even if you select <Quality Priority> in <Generate File> <Image Quality Level for Compact>.
This setting is disabled when sending faxes.
<YCbCr TX Gamma Value>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
If you are sending a document in color or grayscale, you can specify the gamma value to use when converting scanned RGB image data to YCbCr. You can reproduce the image with the optimal image quality at the recipient by setting an appropriate gamma value.
This setting is disabled for the following file formats:
PDF (Compact)
XPS (Compact)
PDF (Trace&Smooth)
<Use Divided Chunk Send for WebDAV TX>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can divide data into chunks when sending with WebDAV. Chunked encoding is a function for sending a file with an unknown size by dividing it into chunks of a known length. It enables the sending time to be reduced because it is not necessary to calculate the size of the file before sending it.
You may not be able to send files with chunked encoding, depending on certain conditions for the WebDAV server and proxy server.
<Confirm TLS Certificate for WebDAV TX>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can check whether the TLS server certificate is valid when sending with WebDAV. You can verify the validity of the certificate and reliability of the certificate chain, as well as confirm the CN (Common Name).
If you do not verify the certificate, TLS communication is performed, even with an invalid certificate.
If there is a problem with the certificate, WebDAV sending will fail.
<Limit New Destination>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
When sending faxes and scanned data, the available destinations can be limited to the following three ways, to ensure that users cannot specify the destination by entering text.
Destinations registered in the address book and one-touch buttons
Destinations set in <Favorite Settings> and <Send to Myself>
Destinations that can be searched for with an LDAP server
Restricting the Entry of New Destinations
Press .
Press <Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings> <Limit New Destination>.
Select the functions you want to restrict destination entry for.
Press <On> <OK>.
<Always Add Device Signature to Send>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can select whether to always add a device signature to sent PDF/XPS files.
If you set <Restrict File Formats> to <On>, files other than PDF/XPS files cannot be sent.
<Limit E-Mail to Send to Myself>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can limit the destination that can be specified when sending e-mail to the e-mail address of the user that is logged in. This setting enables you to prevent information leaks due to transmission to a wrong destination.
This setting applies to users with the GeneralUser role.
<Restrict File TX to Personal Folder>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can limit the destination that can be specified when saving to a file server to the dedicated folder of the user that is logged in. This setting enables you to prevent information leaks due to transmission to a wrong destination.
This setting applies to users with the GeneralUser role.
<Personal Folder Specification Method>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
Users who log in with personal authentication management can create a Personal folder for individual use. A Personal folder can be specified as the send destination for scanned documents, and it can be created in a shared folder or on a file server.Configuring Personal Folders
<Restrict Resending from Log>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can select whether to prevent users from recalling the logs for the destinations and scan settings specified in the past. Selecting <On> hides the <Previous Settings> buttons from both the Fax Basic Features screen and the Scan Basic Features screen.
<Settings for Sent Document Backup>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can save a copy of a sent fax in a pre-specified destination (e-mail or file server, etc.). Depending on the destination, the saved fax copy is converted into another digital file format such as PDF, thus keeping documents organized and manageable. This method also helps you easily manage logs because a folder categorized by sender name or date is automatically created in the specified destination on the server.
Saving Sent Fax Documents to a File Server
Press .
Press <Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings> <Settings for Sent Document Backup>.
Press <On> for <Use Sent Document Backup Function>.
Press <Backup Location>, and select the destination.
Press <Folder Name>, and set the category for creating the destination folder.
Press <OK>.
In <File Format>, select the format for saving the sent data.
Press <OK>.
<Display Notification When Job Is Accepted>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Common Settings>
You can select whether to display a screen prompting you to check the communication status after sending/saving documents using <Fax> or <Scan and Send> on the Main Menu.
You can register the name of your company or department as the unit name. The registered name is displayed/printed at the recipient as the sender information when you send an e-mail/I-fax.
If you press <E-Mail/I-Fax Settings> set <Specify Authentication User as Sender> to <On>, the e-mail address registered for the login user is displayed as the sender's name in the From field for the recipient, regardless of the login service being used.
You can check whether the TLS server certificate is valid when sending with SMTP. You can verify the validity of the certificate and reliability of the certificate chain, as well as confirm the CN (Common Name).
If you do not verify the certificate, TLS communication is performed, even with an invalid certificate.
If there is a problem with the certificate, SMTP sending will fail.
You can check whether the TLS server certificate is valid when receiving with POP. You can verify the validity of the certificate and reliability of the certificate chain, as well as confirm the CN (Common Name).
If you do not verify the certificate, TLS communication is performed, even with an invalid certificate.
If there is a problem with the certificate, POP receiving will fail.
You can set the maximum data size for outgoing e-mail messages and I-fax documents. If an e-mail message exceeds this data size limit, it is split up into several e-mail messages before being sent. However, if an I-fax transmission exceeds the data size limit, it is handled as an error, and not sent.
Set the maximum data size for sending lower than the data limit for the mail server.
You can select whether to set the e-mail address of a user who logs in to the machine with personal authentication management as the reply-to address when sending an e-mail/I-fax.
You can select whether to display the e-mail address of a user who logs in to the machine with personal authentication management in the From field as the sender of received e-mail.
When the machine is in use with personal authentication management, you can select whether to allow the sending of an e-mail from a user whose e-mail address is not registered in the machine. If <Off> is selected, users with their e-mail addresses registered can only send e-mails.
You can set the time before sending operations automatically terminate if an MDN (notification e-mail confirming the transmission result) is not received from the recipient when sending an I-fax in the <Full> mode.
In I-fax Full Mode, e-mail messages are sent to the machine from the recipient and the mail server, notifying you whether I-faxes are sent to destinations successfully or not. You can select whether to print these notification e-mails when the machine receives them.
The machine receiving the I-fax can send an MDN (a notification e-mail for checking the sending result) to the IP address of the sending machine without going through a mail server.
You can set to automatically display e-mail addresses registered in the Address Book or an LDAP server based on the initial characters of an e-mail address entry.
E-mail addresses that are stored with an access number do not appear.
You can register frequently used settings in a button of the machine for later use when sending a fax. You can also assign a name to a button and enter a comment. You can also delete or rename registered settings.Registering a Combination of Frequently Used Functions
<Display Confirmation for Favorite Settings>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
You can select whether to display a confirmation screen when recalling "Favorite Settings."
<Default Screen>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
You can specify the screen to display when <Fax> or is pressed.
<Restrict Address Book Use>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
You can select whether to hide the Address Book and one-touch buttons on the Fax Basic Features screen, etc. to restrict use of the Address Book.
<Change Default Settings>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
You can change the settings registered as default for the <Fax> function.
You can register any name as the sender name, such as the section or department's name, or an individual's name, and edit/delete registered names. The registered name is printed on paper at the recipient as the sender information when you send a fax.
<Use Authentication User Name as Sender Name>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
If logging in with personal authentication management, the login name appears in <100> on the <Sender Name (TTI)> screen. If <On> is selected, the login name in <100> is used as the default setting for the sender name.
If this setting is set to <Off>, the user name in <00> is used as the default setting for the sender name. For instructions on registering a user name, see Fax Line Settings.
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
You can send faxes using the Error Correction Mode (ECM). ECM checks for fax data errors and corrects them.
If you want to transmit using ECM, the ECM function must also be set in the destination machine.
If the communication speed appears to be extremely slow, you may be able to improve the speed by setting to <Off>.
Even when you set ECM, errors can sometimes occur due to a poor telephone line connection.
<Set Pause Time>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
You can set the number of seconds to pause when sending faxes. Some overseas dialing may not be successful when dialing the international access code, country code, and the destination's telephone number all at once. In such cases, inserting a pause after the international access code can make it easier to connect.
Pauses entered at the end of dialed fax numbers are always 10 seconds long.
<Auto Redial>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
Auto Redial enables the machine to automatically redial the recipient's fax number if the recipient cannot be reached due to a busy line, or if a sending error occurs. If you activate this setting, you can set how many times the machine redials, the redial interval, and whether the document should be resent when there is an error.
<Check Dial Tone Before Sending>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
If you are sending a fax from your machine at the same time another fax machine (made by a company other than Canon) is trying to send you a fax, your fax may end up being redirected to that fax machine, instead of the original destination you had intended. Activating this setting enables you to avoid such sending problems.
<Fax TX Report>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
A Fax TX Report is a report that enables you to check whether faxes were sent correctly to their intended destinations. The machine can be set to print this report automatically after documents are sent or only when a transmission error occurs. You can also specify the setting to print the first part of the document as part of the report to remind you of the document's content.
<Fax Activity Report>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
You can print or send fax document sending/receiving logs as a report. The machine can be set to print or send this report when a specified number of communications (40 to 1,000) is reached or at a specified time. The send/receive reports can also be printed or sent separately.
When the report is sent as data, it is sent in the CSV file format. Fax Activity Report
You can register the fax number to use when the fax is used on the machine. The registered fax number is printed on paper at the recipient as the sender information when you send a fax. Fax Line Settings
You can register the name of your company or department as the unit name. The registered name is printed on paper at the recipient as the sender information when you send a fax. Fax Line Settings
You can set the type of telephone line connected to the machine. If this setting is incorrect, you will be unable to communicate with other machines. Be sure to check the type of telephone line that you are using, and make the correct setting. Fax Line Settings
You can specify the type of address list that you want to display as the default setting when you use <Address Book> on the Fax Basic Features screen. This setting is only effective when you select the line to use on the <Select Line> screen. Fax Line Settings
You can set the priority of a line to use for sending faxes as well as select a line that is not allowed to use.
Even if you set <Line 1> to <Prohibit TX>, Line 1 is still used for fax information services.
<TX Start Speed>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
You can change the send start speed. This setting is useful when there is difficulty initiating the sending of a document due to a poor line condition.
<PIN Code Access>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
The PIN (Personal Identification Number) code prevents unauthorized personnel from making calls. To protect privileged access to the telephone lines, only authorized users are entrusted with the PIN codes for daily operations. Some PBX (Private Branch eXchange) systems require that a PIN code be entered when dialing a number to make a call or send a document by fax. Depending on the requirements of the PBX system, the PIN code may be entered either before the number as a prefix, or after the number as a suffix. If <On> is selected, the machine automatically displays a screen prompting you to enter the PIN code when you press .
<Confirm Entered Fax Number>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
To prevent sending a fax to an incorrect destination, you can select whether to display an entry confirmation screen when entering a fax number.
<Allow Fax Driver TX>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
You can select whether to allow sending a fax from a computer.
<Confirm Before Sending When Fax Dest. Included>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
You can select whether to display a destination confirmation screen when sending to destinations containing faxes. This helps prevent you from sending a fax to an incorrect destination.
<Restrict Sequential Broadcast When Fax Dest. Included>
<Function Settings> <Send> <Fax Settings>
You can select whether to restrict sending to multiple destinations containing faxes at the same time.
You can set the number of lines you can select when sending remote faxes. Set the number of lines to the same number of telephone lines connected to the Remote Fax server machine.