You can change registered destination details as necessary. You can only edit destinations stored in the Local Address Book.

Press [Set Destination] → [Register Destinations].
Select the destination to edit → press [Details/ Edit].
If you press [Search by Name], a screen for narrowing the search in the Address Book appears.
To return to the previous screen, press [Search by Name] again.
You can restrict the types of destinations displayed in the results list by pressing the drop-down list and selecting the desired type of destination.
Use the Address Book drop-down list to display each address book (Address Lists 1 to 10 and one-touch buttons). Address lists categorize the addresses stored in the Address Book.
You cannot select a one-touch button stored in a address list.
If [All Address Lists] is selected in the Address Book drop-down list, the destinations registered in one-touch buttons are also displayed. However, you cannot edit destinations registered in one-touch buttons. For instructions on storing/editing one-touch buttons, see
"Registering One-Touch Buttons."
If you select a destination that is stored with an access number, press [Access No.] → enter the access number using


(numeric keys). If you press [Addresses without Access Number], the destinations that are not managed with an access number are displayed.
Edit each setting as necessary.
You cannot edit the address book for a group address, or the address book for an address registered in a group address.
Press [OK] → [Close].
If you are performing Access Number Management for the Address Book, perform the following operation.
Press [Next] → [Access No.] → [Access No.].
Enter the access number using


(numeric keys) → press [Confirm].
Enter the access number again for confirmation → press [OK] → [OK].
You can enter up to seven digits for the access number. If you enter fewer than seven digits, the machine stores the access number with leading zeros.
Example: If <321> is entered, <0000321> is stored.
You cannot store an access number with only zeros as the number, such as <0000000>. If you enter a number that begins in zeros, such as <02> or <002>, the zeros are ignored and the number is registered as <0000002>, the same as if you had simply entered <2>.
If there is any required destination setting that has not yet been set after registering the access number, the screen for specifying the destination settings is displayed again.