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Clearing Paper Jams

Locations of Paper Jams

Main Unit

Right Cover of the Machine

Right Cover of the Machine (When the Multi-drawer Paper Deck-A1 is attached)

Left Cover of the Machine

Left Cover of the Machine (When the Buffer Pass Unit-J1 is attached)

Fixing Transport Unit

Paper Sources

Multi-purpose Tray

Paper Drawers 3 and 4

Paper Drawers (Right/Left)

Paper Deck Unit-C1/POD Deck Lite-A1 (Optional)

Front Cover of the Multi-drawer Paper Deck-A1 (Optional)

Paper Decks of the Multi-drawer Paper Deck-A1 (Optional)

Duplex Color Image Reader Unit-F1 (Optional)

Buffer Pass Unit-J1

Document Insertion Unit-H1 (Optional)

Professional Puncher Integration Unit-B1 (Optional)

Paper Folding Unit-G1 (Optional)

Staple Finisher-K1 (Optional)

Booklet Finisher-K1 (Optional)

Inside the Front Cover

Saddle Stitcher Unit

Document Insertion/Folding Unit-G1/Document Insertion Unit-J1 (Optional)

Insertion Unit

Inside the Insertion Unit

Folding Unit

External 2/3 Hole Puncher-A1 (Optional)

Staple Finisher-L1/Booklet Finisher-L1 (Optional)

Inside the Top Cover

Output Area

Front Cover of the Booklet Finisher-L1

Saddle Stitcher Unit of the Booklet Finisher-L1

Reducing the Frequency of Paper Jams

Clearing Staple Jams (For Optional Products)

Locations of Staple Jams

Stapler Unit of the Staple Finisher-K1/Booklet Finisher-K1

Saddle Stitcher Unit of the Booklet Finisher-K1

Staple Finisher-L1/Booklet Finisher-L1

Saddle Stitcher Unit of the Booklet Finisher-L1

If Memory Becomes Full During Scanning

If OCR (Text Searchable) Performs Inadequately

Printer/Fax Driver Troubleshooting

Service Call Message

List of Error Messages



Scan and Send

Scan and Store/Access Stored Files

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User Setting Information Management

List of Error Codes without Messages

Top » Problem Solving » List of Error Messages » Scan and Store/Access Stored Files
Scan and Store/Access Stored Files
This section describes the error messages related to the Scan and Store function and the Access Stored Files function.
Could not perform because an error occurred on the network.
Cause 1
The destination has [Prohibit Writing from External] in [Function Settings] (Settings/Registration) set to 'On'.
Set [Prohibit Writing from External] in [Function Settings] (Settings/Registration) of the destination to 'Off'.
Cause 2
You tried to store data directly in the Shared Space (share) or Personal Space (users) of the destination.
You cannot store data directly in the Shared Space (share) or Personal Space (users) of the destination. Store the file in a folder in either of the spaces.
Cause 3
When you tried to store the data, the full pathname (file/folder names indicating the store location) was too long.
Shorten the folder and file names so that the full pathname, including"/share" and "/users," does not exceed 256 characters in length, or change the store location.
Cause 4
You tried to store more than the capacity of the Advanced Box (100,000 files/ folders), or more than the capacity of the designated destination folder (1,000 files/folders).
Perform the operation again after deleting unwanted files from the destination folder, or change the store location.
Cause 5
The destination hard disk capacity was exceeded as a result of your attempt to store data.
Perform the operation again after deleting unwanted files from thedestination, or changethe store location.
Could not access the database. Restart the machine.
Failed to access the database for a reason such as the user database being damaged.
Restart the machine.
Session timed out. Wait a while, then try to access the database again.
The session has timed out because specified time has elapsed.
Wait a while, and try accessing again. If the session continues to time out, restart the machine.
Cannot store the password because the number of passwords that can be stored for each user has reached the upper limit.
The number of stored passwords for the login user exceeded the maximum number.
Erase unnecessary password information.