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Clearing Paper Jams

Locations of Paper Jams

Main Unit

Right Cover of the Machine

Right Cover of the Machine (When the Multi-drawer Paper Deck-A1 is attached)

Left Cover of the Machine

Left Cover of the Machine (When the Buffer Pass Unit-J1 is attached)

Fixing Transport Unit

Paper Sources

Multi-purpose Tray

Paper Drawers 3 and 4

Paper Drawers (Right/Left)

Paper Deck Unit-C1/POD Deck Lite-A1 (Optional)

Front Cover of the Multi-drawer Paper Deck-A1 (Optional)

Paper Decks of the Multi-drawer Paper Deck-A1 (Optional)

Duplex Color Image Reader Unit-F1 (Optional)

Buffer Pass Unit-J1

Document Insertion Unit-H1 (Optional)

Professional Puncher Integration Unit-B1 (Optional)

Paper Folding Unit-G1 (Optional)

Staple Finisher-K1 (Optional)

Booklet Finisher-K1 (Optional)

Inside the Front Cover

Saddle Stitcher Unit

Document Insertion/Folding Unit-G1/Document Insertion Unit-J1 (Optional)

Insertion Unit

Inside the Insertion Unit

Folding Unit

External 2/3 Hole Puncher-A1 (Optional)

Staple Finisher-L1/Booklet Finisher-L1 (Optional)

Inside the Top Cover

Output Area

Front Cover of the Booklet Finisher-L1

Saddle Stitcher Unit of the Booklet Finisher-L1

Reducing the Frequency of Paper Jams

Clearing Staple Jams (For Optional Products)

Locations of Staple Jams

Stapler Unit of the Staple Finisher-K1/Booklet Finisher-K1

Saddle Stitcher Unit of the Booklet Finisher-K1

Staple Finisher-L1/Booklet Finisher-L1

Saddle Stitcher Unit of the Booklet Finisher-L1

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Top » Problem Solving » Clearing Staple Jams (For Optional Products) » Saddle Stitcher Unit of the Booklet Finisher-L1
Saddle Stitcher Unit of the Booklet Finisher-L1
Check the location of the staple jam, and follow the procedure described below, while referring to the directions that appear on the touch panel display, to remove the jammed staple.
Make sure to close all covers and paper drawers of the machine before clearing any staple jams.
Before clearing a staple jam in the saddle stitcher unit, remove all paper that has been output to the booklet tray.
The Booklet Finisher-L1 is an optional product

Open the front cover of the finisher.
Pull out the saddle stitcher unit.
*1 Stapler Unit of the Saddle Stitcher Unit
*2 Saddle Stitcher Unit
1. Grip the handle of the saddle stitcher unit, and pull out until it stops.
2. Pull the stapler unit of the saddle stitcher unit towards you, and then push it up.
Pull out the staple case containing the jammed staples, holding it by its left and right sides.
Push up the tab on the staple case.
1. Push down Part A to unlock.
2. Push up Part B.
Remove any jammed staples.
1. Remove any jammed staples.
2. Return Part B to its original position.
Return the staple case to its original position.
Push the staple case in until it clicks into place.
Gently push the saddle stitcher unit back into its original position.
1. Pull the stapler unit towards you, and then push it down into its original position.
2. Grip the handle of the saddle stitcher unit, and return it to its original position.
When returning the saddle stitcher unit to its original position, be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this may result in personal injury.
Close the front cover of the finisher.
When closing the cover, be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this may result in personal injury.
When you have cleared the staple jam, be sure to manually reposition the staples in the saddle stitcher unit. (See "Saddle Stitch Staple Repositioning.")