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Top » Scan and Send » Erase Frame

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Specifying Destinations Using the Address Book (Remote)

Specifying Destinations Using the Address Book (LDAP Server)

Specifying Destinations Using the One-Touch Buttons

Specifying a Destination by Entering an E-mail Address

Specifying Destinations by Entering an I-Fax Address

Specifying a Destination by Entering a File Server

Specifying a File Server Using the Keyboard

Specifying a File Server Using the Browse Key (Windows (SMB))

Specifying a File Server Using the Search Host Key (Windows (SMB))

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Favorite Settings

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Registering/Editing Favorite Settings

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Specifying/Registering Scan Sizes

Setting the File Format

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Searchable PDF/XPS

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Encrypting PDF Files

Reader Extensions

Applying a Policy

Selecting the Original Type

2-Sided Original

Book → 2 Pages

Different Size Originals

Adjusting Density Manually

Adjusting Background Density

Adjusting the Image Sharpness

Changing the Zoom Ratio

Erase Frame

Job Build

Delayed Send


Finished Stamp

Job Done Notice

File Name



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Erase Frame
This mode enables you to remove the shadows and lines that appear when scanning various types of originals. There are three types of Erase Frame: [Erase Original Frame], [Erase Book Frame], and [Erase Binding].
Make sure to place your original on the platen glass. If you place originals with binding holes in the feeder, it may damage the originals. Place your original on the platen glass.

Erase Original Frame
This mode erases the dark borders and frame lines that appear around the scanned image if the original is smaller than the selected record size. You can also use this mode to create a blank border around the edge of the scanned image.
Example: Scanning an STMT original as LTR size.
Original Frame Erase
Not Selected
Original Frame Erase
Press [Scan and Send].
Specify the destination → press [Options] → [Erase Frame].
Press [Erase Original Frame].
To specify the original size, press [Change] → select the size → press [OK].
You can only set the Erase Original Frame mode for the original sizes shown on the touch panel display.
Sets the erase frame width.
If you want to set the same width for all four borders:
If you want to set the width for each border independently:
If you want to set the same width for all four borders:
Press [-] or [+] to set the erase frame width.
If you want to set the width for each border independently:
Press [Adjust Independently].
Select the desired borders → press [-] or [+] to set their respective Erase Frame widths.
To return to the screen for setting the same amount of space for all four borders, press [Uniform Width].
Press [OK] → [Close].
Erase Book Frame
This mode erases the dark border and the center and contour lines that appear when you scan facing pages in a book or bound original.
Book Frame Erase
Not Selected
Book Frame Erase
Press [Scan and Send].
Specify the destination → press [Options] → [Erase Frame].
Press [Erase Book Frame].
To specify the original size, press [Change] → select the size → press [OK].
You can set the Erase Book Frame mode only for the original paper sizes shown on the touch panel display.
Sets the erase frame width.
If you want to set the same width for all four borders:
If you want to set the top, left, center, right, and bottom widths independently:
If you want to set the same width for all four borders:
Press [Center] and [Sides] → press [-] or [+] to set their respective Erase Frame widths.
If you want to set the top, left, center, right, and bottom widths independently:
Press [Adjust Independently].
Select the desired erase frame borders → press [-] or [+] to set their respective erase frame widths.
To return to the screen for setting the same amount of space for all four borders, press [Uniform Width].
Press [OK] → [Close].
Erase Binding
This mode deletes the shadows that appear on scanned images from binding holes on originals.
Binding Erase
Not Selected
Binding Erase
Press [Scan and Send].
Specify the destination → press [Options] → [Erase Frame].
Press [Erase Binding] → specify the location of the binding holes → press [-] or [+] to set their respective erase frame widths.
When you specify the location of the binding holes, assume that the original is face up.
Press [OK] → [Close].

If you are using [Erase Binding], the borders you do not select are also erased by 1/8" (4 mm).