High Compression/Limited Color Image Quality Level
If you select PDF (Compact/Color) as the file format in "Scan and Send" or "Scan and Store," you can set the image quality level of the document.
Press (Settings/Registration).
Press [Function Settings] → [Common] → [Generate File].
Press [Image Quality Level for Ltd. Color/Compact].
Select the image quality level → press [OK].
Details of each item are shown below.
[Data Size Priority]:
The data size is small, but the image quality is low.
The data size and image quality are in between those of [Data Size Priority] and [Quality Priority].
[Quality Priority]:
The data size is large, but the image quality is high.

This setting is disabled when storing in the mail box and sending to fax/I-fax addresses.
» Settings/Registration » Function Settings » Common » Generate File » High Compression/Limited Color Image Quality Level