Attaching a Cover Sheet (PC Fax)
To attach a cover sheet to the fax, follow the procedure below.
Click [Cover Sheet].
Select an option for attaching the cover sheet from [Cover Sheet Attachment].
Select a template from [Style].
You can register a preferred cover sheet beforehand. For details, view the online help. (See "
Viewing the Online Help (PC Fax).")
If you want to specify the items to include on the cover sheet, click [Settings].
If you do not specify the items to include on the cover sheet, proceed to Step 11.
Select items you want to print on the cover sheet regarding the sender -> enter the information.
You can save the information entered in the [Sender] sheet in a file by clicking [Save Sender]. Then, when you send a fax, you can import the information by using [Import Sender], instead of entering the sender information each time you send a fax.
Click [Destination] -> select items you want to print on the cover sheet regarding the destination.
The information of the destinations specified in the [Sending Settings] sheet prints on the cover sheet.
Specify a logo or signature if necessary.
Click [Logo] or [Signature].
Select [Print with Logo] or [Print with Signature] to include a logo or signature on the cover sheet.
Click [Browse] -> specify the magnification and position of the selected logo or signature.
If you want to include a title or the number of sheets that you are going to send in the cover sheet, click [Details] -> select items you want to include -> specify the information.
The number of sheets is not counted automatically. The number which you entered manually is shown on the cover sheet.
Click [OK].
If you want to insert an attention note, select [Insert Attention Note] -> select a note from [Attention Note].
You can also enter the characters you want to insert. You can enter up to 30 characters.
Enter any other information in [Comment to Include] as necessary.
If you want to check the preview image on the cover sheet, click [Preview].
Click [OK].
The specified cover sheet is attached to the fax when the fax is sent.
The number of recipients to which you can send simultaneously depends on how a cover sheet is attached. For details, see the online help. (See " Viewing the Online Help (PC Fax).")
The display may differ according to the operating system and system environment.