» Settings/Registration » Function Settings » Send » Common Settings » Confirming the SSL Server Certificate When Sending with WebDAV
Confirming the SSL Server Certificate When Sending with WebDAV
You can confirm whether the SSL server certificate is valid when sending with WebDAV.
You can verify the validity of the certificate and reliability of the certificate chain, as well as confirm the CN (Common Name).
Press (Settings/Registration).
Press [Function Settings] → [Send] → [Common Settings].
Press [Confirm SSL Certificate for WebDAV TX].
Press [On] → [OK].
Select  [Off] if you do not want to confirm the SSL server certificate when sending with WebDAV.
To confirm the CN, press [CN] for <Add Items to Verify>.

If you do not verify the certificate, SSL communication is performed, even with an invalid certificate.
If there is a problem with the certificate, WebDAV sending will fail.