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Chapter Top

Printing from a Computer (Windows)

Printing Fundamentals


Configuring the Default Print Settings

Setting the Printer Options

Viewing the Online Help

Printing Functions

Common Functions

[Page Setup] Tab

[Finishing] Tab

[Paper Source] Tab

[Quality] Tab

[Device Settings] Tab

Scaling Documents

Printing Multiple Pages on One Sheet

1-sided Printing and 2-sided Printing

Attention (1-sided Printing and 2-sided Printing)

Booklet Printing

Poster Printing

Watermark Printing

Setting the Color Mode for Printing

Combining and Printing Multiple Files

Selecting a Profile for Printing

Registering a Profile for Printing

Printing from a Computer (Macintosh)

Printing Fundamentals


Configuring the Default Page Settings

Setting the Printer Options

Verifying the Printer Information
Manually Setting the Printer Options

Viewing the Online Help

Viewing the Driver Guide

Printing Functions

Common Functions

[Layout] Preferences Pane

[Finishing] Preferences Pane

[Paper Source] Preferences Pane

[Quality] Preferences Pane

[Special Features] Preferences Pane

Scaling Documents

Printing Multiple Pages on One Sheet

1-sided and 2-sided Printing

Setting the Color Mode for Printing

Using [Presets] for Printing

Setting Priority (When Specifying the Same Item Using Multiple Methods)

Functions Which Can Be Specified from the Control Panel

Printing without the Printer Driver (Direct Print)

Printing the PDF File Using the Direct Print Function

Printing the PS/EPS File Using the Direct Print Function

Printing the TIFF/JPEG File Using the Direct Print Function

Printing the XPS File Using the Direct Print Function

Direct Printing from Command Prompt

Printing Files Directly from USB Memory Devices (USB Direct Print)

Printing Directly from USB Memory Device

Print Setting Menu List

Changing the Default Print Settings and File Sorting Criteria

Remove the USB Memory Device

Receiving E-mail Data on the Mail Server and Printing (E-mail Print)

How to Specify the Settings for E-mail Print

Attention (How to Specify the Settings for E-mail Print)

Receiving and Printing E-mails Manually

Printing the E-mail Receive Log List

Attention (Printing E-mail Sending/Receiving History)

When E-mail Print Fails

Printing Files from the Printer Using FTP Client

Specifying a Password for a Document and Printing (Secured Print)

Attention (Specifying a Password for a Document and Printing (Secured Print))

Saving a Document in the SD Card in the Printer (Stored Job Print) 

Performing a Stored Job Print Using the Control Panel of the Printer

Displaying or Operating the Jobs Stored in a Box (Resume/Delete)

Automatically Deleting Files Stored in a Box

Changing the Box Settings

Giving Priority to a Print Job (Interrupt Printing) 

Top » Useful Printing Functions » Printing Files Directly from USB Memory Devices (USB Direct Print) » Printing Directly from USB Memory Device
Printing Directly from USB Memory Device
Insert the USB memory device in the USB memory slot on the front side of the printer.
Press [  ] (Application).
The "USB Direct Print Mode Screen" is displayed.
When department ID management is set, the screen is displayed when the departmental ID and PIN are entered. After entering the department ID and PIN, select [<Log In>], and then press [OK].
In order to automatically display the USB direct print mode screen
When the [Automatically Display USB Direct Print Screen] setting is checked on [USB Direct Print] in the [Edit Management Settings] on the Remote UI, the "USB Direct Print Mode Screen" is displayed automatically when a USB memory device is inserted.
Select [Select File(s)] with [] and [], and then press [OK].
Changing the order of the files displayed in Step 5
Select [Sort Files] with [] and [], and then press [OK].
When the message is displayed, press [OK].
Select the sorting criteria with [] and [], and then press [OK].
Select the type of file to print with [] and [], and then press [OK].
Select the file to print with [] and [], and then press [OK].
[  ] will be attached to the file name. If a file with [  ] attached is selected, and [OK] is pressed again, the selection is removed.
If a folder is selected, and [OK] is pressed, the list of files inside the folder is displayed.
If [<Clear All>] is selected, all the file selections are removed.
Up to 10 files in the same folder can be selected.
If the folder hierarchy is moved, all of the file selections are removed.
Select [<Apply>] with [] and [], and then press [OK].
When printing using an XPS file print ticket
Select [<Use Print Ticket>] with [] and [], and then press [OK].
Select [<Start Printing>] with [] and [], and then press [OK].
It is printed using the print settings specified inside the file.
Select [<Start Printing>] with [] and [], and then press [OK].
To confirm/ change the print settings, select the setting to be confirmed/changed with [] and [ ], and then press [OK]. For details on print settings, see "Print Setting Menu List."
The selected file begins printing.
Remove the USB memory device after printing has finished.
"Remove the USB Memory Device"