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Chapter Top

Software That Can Be Used for Managing the Printer

Remote UI

Starting the Remote UI

Attention (Remote UI)
Enabling the Remote UI

Screen Layout of the Remote UI (Details on Each Setting Page)

Display/Change Message Board Messages and Support Links

FTP Client

NetSpot Device Installer

Managing Print Jobs

Attention (Job Manager)

Control Panel Setting

Attention (Control Panel Setting)

Setting Items

[Setup] Menu ([Control Menu] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([Paper Source] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([Network] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([Layout] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([Quality] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([Interface] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([User Maintenance] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([Print Mode] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([UFR II] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([PCL] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([Imaging] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([XPS] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([PDF] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([PS] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([MEAP Settings] Options)

[Setup] Menu ([Check Counter] Options)

[Utility Menu] Menu

[Job] Menu

[Reset] Menu

[Select Feeder] Menu

Checking the Number of the Printed Pages

Importing and Exporting Settings

Initializing the Settings

Initializing the [Setup] Menu Using the Printer's Control Panel

Checking the Printer Settings

Setting the Administrator Password

Specifying the Device Name or Administrator Information

Sleep Mode

Auto Shutdown

Specifying an ID for Each Department

Register/Update Software Function

Available Functions

Installing the System Options/MEAP Applications

Installing by Connecting This Printer to an Outside Network (Delivery)

Installing by Not Connecting This Printer to an Outside Network (Manual)

Downloading the Manuals and Related Software

Managing the Register/Update Software Function

Top » Managing the Printer » Setting Items » [Setup] Menu ([PCL] Options)
[Setup] Menu ([PCL] Options)
Table description
Bold values in the table indicate the default settings.
The setting items or setting values with "*" may not be displayed depending on the availability of the optional accessories and other settings.
Setting Item
Setting Value
[Paper Save]
[Off], [On]
Specifies whether the printer outputs the blank page that can be created due to no data existing between two Form Feed codes sent from an application.
[Portrait], [Landscape]
Enables you to set the paper orientation.
[Font Number]
0 to 104
Enables you to set the default font for this printer function using the corresponding font numbers. Valid font numbers are from 0 to 104.
[Point Size]*
4.00 to 12.00 to 999.75 point
If the number selected in [Font Number] is that of a proportionally spaced scalable font, this option appears in the [PCL] options. It enables you to specify a point size for the default font. The point size can be adjusted in increments of 0.25 pts.
0.44 to 10.00 to 99.99 cpi
If the number selected in [Font Number] is that of a fixed pitch scalable font, Pitch appears in the [PCL] options. It enables you to specify the pitch for the default font. The pitch can be adjusted in increments of 0.01 cpi (characters per inch).
[Form Lines]
5 to 60 to 128 lines
Enables you to specify the number of lines to be printed on a page. You can specify from 5 to 128 lines.
[Character Code]
[PC8], [ROMAN8], [ROMAN9], [ISOL1], [ISOL2], [ISOL5], [ISOL6], [ISOL9], [PC775], [PC8DN], [PC850], [PC852], [PC858], [PC8TK], [PC1004], [WINL1], [WINL2], [WINL5], [WINBALT], [DESKTOP], [PSTEXT], [LEGAL], [ISO4], [ISO6], [ISO11], [ISO15], [ISO17], [ISO21], [ISO60], [ISO69], [WIN 30], [MCTEXT], [PC864], [ARABIC8], [WINARB], [PC866], [ISOCYR], [WINCYR], [PC851], [GREEK8], [ISOGRK], [PC8GRK], [WINGRK], [PC862], [HEBREW7], [HEBREW8], [ISOHEB]
Enables you to select the symbol set most suited to the needs of the host computer.
[Custom Size]
[Do Not Set], [Set]
Enables you to specify a custom paper size. If [Set] is selected, you can enter a custom size.
[Unit of Measurement]*
[Millimeters], [Inches]
Enables you to specify the unit of measurement you would like to use to specify your custom paper size.
[X Dimension]*
3.00 to 8.50 in.; 8.50 in. (76.2 to 215.9 mm; 215.9 mm)
Enables you to specify the X dimension of the custom paper. The X dimension can be adjusted between 3.00 in. (76.2 mm) and 8.50 in. (215.9 mm) in increments of 0.01 in. (0.1 mm).
[Y Dimension]*
5.00 to 14.00 in.; 14.00 in. (127.0 to 355.6 mm; 355.6 mm)
Enables you to specify the Y dimension of the custom paper. The Y dimension can be adjusted between 5.00 in. (127.0 mm) and 14.00 in. (355.6 mm) in increments of 0.01 in. (0.1 mm).
[Append CR to LF]
[Yes], [No]
Enables you to specify whether to append a carriage return (CR) when line feed code (LF) is received.
[Enlarge A4 Prt Width]
[Off], [On]
Determines whether to expand the printable area of A4 paper to that of Letter size in width.
[Enable], [Disable]
You can enable or disable the Bar Code Printing function of the printer.
[Off], [~], ["], [#], [$], [/], [\], [?], [{], [}], [|]
You can specify the AEC (Alternate Escape Code) to be used for bar code commands when the host computer does not support the standard Escape Code.