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Setting the Address Book

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Top » Security » Preventing Information Leakage » Setting the Address Book
Setting the Address Book
You can set a PIN for the address book or manage address book access numbers.
Address Book PIN
You can set a PIN for the Address Book. If a PIN is set, restrictions can be placed on the registering, editing, and erasing of destinations.
Press (Settings/Registration).
Press [Set Destination] → [Address Book PIN] → [Set].
Press [PIN].
Enter the desired PIN using - (numeric keys).
Press [Confirm].
Enter the same number to confirm the PIN → press [OK].
If you do not want to set a PIN for the Memory RX Inbox, press [OK] without entering any numbers.
Even if you enter fewer than seven digits, zeros are added to the start of the number, and a seven digit number is set. However, the zeros at the start of the number can be omitted when logging in. For example, even if you enter <2>, <02>, or <002>, the PIN is set as <0000002>. However, you can log in by entering <2>, <02>, or <002>.
You cannot register a System Manager ID or System PIN comprised of only zeros, such as <0> or <00>.
Press [OK].
Managing the Address Book with Access Numbers
You can set an access number for an address in the Address Book to restrict access to that address, and this restricts other users who do not know the access number from viewing and utilizing these special addresses.
Press (Settings/Registration).
Press [Set Destination] → [Manage Address Book Access Numbers].
Press [On] → [OK].
If you do not want to manage access numbers, press [Off].
If you set Manage Address Book Access Numbers to 'On', the settings history cannot be used.
Including Passwords When Exporting the Address List
You can set whether to include the passwords registered for destinations when exporting the Address List using the Remote UI.
Press (Settings/Registration).
Press [Set Destination] → [Include Pswd. When Exporting Address Book].
Press [On] → [OK].
Select [Off] if you do not want to include passwords in the exported file.
If this setting is set to 'Off', it is necessary to register passwords for the destinations again in the machine the Address Lists are imported to.
Making the Remote Address Book Open
You can set whether to open the remote address book to an external client. For information on the Remote Address Book, see "Scan and Send."
Press (Settings/Registration).
Press [Set Destination] → [Make Remote Add. Book Open] → [Make Address Book Open].
Press [On] → [OK].
Select [Off] if you do not want to open the remote address book externally.

When accessing the remote address book of the machine from an external client, if [Manage Address Book Access Numbers] is set to 'Off' in [Set Destination] (Settings/Registration) on the external client, you cannot browse access number managed destinations.
You can set whether to export the following passwords:
The password for subaddress transmission set in fax destinations
The authentication password set for file server destinations
For more information on exporting the Address List, see "Saving Settings Information to a Computer (Export Individually)."
Changes are only effective after you restart the machine (the main power switch is turned OFF, and then back ON). For instruction on restarting (turning the main power switch OFF and then ON) the machine, see "Before You Start Using This Machine."