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Category Top

What This Machine Can Do

Overview of This Function

Things You Must Do Before Using This Machine

Flow of Sending Operations

Canceling a Job

Specifying Destinations

Specifying Destinations Using the Address Book (Local)

Specifying Destinations Using the Address Book (Remote)

Specifying Destinations Using the Address Book (LDAP Server)

Specifying Destinations Using the One-Touch Buttons

Specifying a Destination by Entering an E-mail Address

Specifying Destinations by Entering an I-Fax Address

Specifying a Destination by Entering a File Server

Specifying a File Server Using the Keyboard

Specifying a File Server Using the Browse Key (Windows (SMB))

Specifying a File Server Using the Search Host Key (Windows (SMB))

Storing in a Mail Box

Storing in an Advanced Box

Setting Your Personal Folder as the Destination

Setting Your Own E-Mail Address as the Destination

Setting Cc and Bcc Addresses

Checking/Editing/Deleting the Information for a Destination

Favorite Settings

Recalling Previous Send Jobs

Storing New Addresses

Registering an E-Mail Address

Registering an I-Fax Address

Registering a File Server Address

Registering a Group Address

Registering an Address Obtained via an LDAP Server

Registering an Advanced Box Address

Storing/Editing/Deleting One-Touch Buttons

Checking/Editing/Deleting a Stored Address

Registering/Editing/Deleting Favorite Settings

Registering/Editing Favorite Settings

Checking Favorite Settings

Editing a Name/Comment

Deleting Favorite Settings

Assigning Shortcuts

Switching the Color Mode

Setting the Resolution

Specifying/Registering Scan Sizes

Setting the File Format

Trace and Smooth

Compact PDF or XPS

Limited Color PDF

Searchable PDF/XPS/OOXML

Adding a Digital Signature to a PDF or XPS

Encrypting PDF Files

Applying a Policy

Selecting the Original Type

2-Sided Original

Book → 2 Pages

Different Size Originals

Adjusting Density Manually

Adjusting Background Density

Adjusting the Image Sharpness

Changing the Zoom Ratio

Erase Frame

Job Build

Delayed Send


Job Done Notice

File Name



Setting E-Mail Priority

Receiving I-Fax Documents

Processing Received Documents

Receiving Documents

Setting the Memory Lock Mode

Forwarding Received Documents

Available Paper Sizes

When Problems Occur

Questions & Answers

Top » Scan and Send » Specifying Destinations » Specifying a Destination by Entering an E-mail Address
Specifying a Destination by Entering an E-mail Address
Press (Main Menu) → [Scan and Send] → [New Destination].
Press [E-Mail].
Enter the e-mail address → press [OK].
If [Auto Complete for Entering E-Mail Addresses] is set to 'Off', press [E-Mail Address] → enter the e-mail address.
You can use the autocomplete function, if you set [Auto Complete for Entering E-Mail Addresses] to 'On'. (See "Setting Auto Complete for E-mail Address Entry.")
When you enter an e-mail address from the keyboard displayed on the touch panel display, e-mail addresses registered in the Local Address Book that match the initial characters of your e-mail address entry, automatically appear highlighted yellow.
To select the automatically displayed e-mail address, press [OK]. To enter a different e-mail address, enter the full destination address.
You can also specify a destination by pressing  to display a list of potential matches.
E-mail addresses that are stored with an access number do not appear.
Select one of the following for <Divide Data>.
Select [On] if the recipient's machine has a function to combine divided data that is received.
Select [Off] if the recipient's machine does not have a function to combine divided data or if you do not want to divide the sent data.
If the size of the data being sent exceeds the value set for [Maximum Data Size for Sending], the data is divided when sent. If the size of the data being sent exceeds the value set for [Maximum Data Size for Sending] when the Divide Data setting is set to 'Off', the data is divided by pages and sent as multiple e-mails. (See "Maximum Data Size for Send.")
Make sure to check the specifications of the destination's e-mail software before setting this mode. If you set conditions that the recipient's machine does not support, a transmission error may occur.
To add another destination, press [Next Destination] → repeat steps 3 and 4.
Press [OK].