e-ManualTopSite mapHelpGlossary

Category Top

What This Machine Can Do

Overview of This Function

Things You Must Do Before Using This Machine

Flow of Sending Operations

Canceling a Job

Specifying Destinations

Specifying Destinations Using the Address Book (Local)

Specifying Destinations Using the Address Book (Remote)

Specifying Destinations Using the Address Book (LDAP Server)

Specifying Destinations Using the One-Touch Buttons

Specifying a Destination by Entering an E-mail Address

Specifying Destinations by Entering an I-Fax Address

Specifying a Destination by Entering a File Server

Specifying a File Server Using the Keyboard

Specifying a File Server Using the Browse Key (Windows (SMB))

Specifying a File Server Using the Search Host Key (Windows (SMB))

Storing in a Mail Box

Storing in an Advanced Box

Setting Your Personal Folder as the Destination

Setting Your Own E-Mail Address as the Destination

Setting Cc and Bcc Addresses

Checking/Editing/Deleting the Information for a Destination

Favorite Settings

Recalling Previous Send Jobs

Storing New Addresses

Registering an E-Mail Address

Registering an I-Fax Address

Registering a File Server Address

Registering a Group Address

Registering an Address Obtained via an LDAP Server

Registering an Advanced Box Address

Storing/Editing/Deleting One-Touch Buttons

Checking/Editing/Deleting a Stored Address

Registering/Editing/Deleting Favorite Settings

Registering/Editing Favorite Settings

Checking Favorite Settings

Editing a Name/Comment

Deleting Favorite Settings

Assigning Shortcuts

Switching the Color Mode

Setting the Resolution

Specifying/Registering Scan Sizes

Setting the File Format

Trace and Smooth

Compact PDF or XPS

Searchable PDF/XPS/OOXML

Adding a Digital Signature to a PDF or XPS

Encrypting PDF Files

Reader Extensions

Applying a Policy

Selecting the Original Type

2-Sided Original

Book → 2 Pages

Different Size Originals

Adjusting Density Manually

Adjusting Background Density

Adjusting the Image Sharpness

Changing the Zoom Ratio

Erase Frame

Job Build

Delayed Send


Finished Stamp

Job Done Notice

File Name



Setting E-Mail Priority

Receiving I-Fax Documents

Processing Received Documents

Receiving Documents

Setting the Memory Lock Mode

Forwarding Received Documents

Available Paper Sizes

When Problems Occur

Questions & Answers

Top » Scan and Send » Searchable PDF/XPS/OOXML
Searchable PDF/XPS/OOXML
This mode enables you to perform OCR (optical character recognition) to extract data that can be recognized as text from the scanned image and create a PDF/XPS/OOXML (pptx) file that is searchable. You can also set [Compact] if you select PDF or XPS as the file format.
Press [Scan and Send] → specify the destination → press the file format button.
Select a file format.
If you want to separate multiple images and send them as separate files, each of which consists of only one page, set [Divide into Pages] to 'On'. If you want to scan the images as a single file, turn the setting 'Off'.
If you select PDF or XPS:
If you select PowerPoint OOXML format:
If you select PDF or XPS:
Select [PDF] or [XPS] → [OCR (Text Searchable)].
If you select PowerPoint OOXML format:
Select [OOXML] → [OCR (Text Searchable)].
Press [OK].

Long strip originals (17" (432 mm) or longer) cannot be used with [OCR (Text Searchable)].
Even if you select [OCR (Text Searchable)], text may not be detected correctly in some cases. (See "If OCR (Text Searchable) Performs Inadequately.")
If you select PDF (OCR), XPS (OCR), or OOXML (OCR) as the file format, and <Smart Scan> is set to 'On' in [OCR (Text Searchable) Settings] (Settings/Registration), the orientation of the original is detected, and the document is automatically rotated if necessary before it is sent. (See "Settings for Creating Searchable PDF/XPS/OOXML.")
If you select [OCR (Text Searchable)], you can only send at a zoom ratio of [Direct (100%)] or [Auto].
If you select PDF or XPS as the file format, you can set [Compact] and [OCR (Text Searchable)] at the same time. In that case, [PDF (Compact)] or [XPS (Compact)] is displayed as the file format on the Scan and Send Basic Features screen.