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Top » Print » Setting the Machine (PS/PCL/UFR II Printer) » Settings Menu (Common Settings) » Paper Output

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Printing from a Computer (Windows)

Printing Functions

[Page Setup] Sheet

[Finishing] Sheet

[Paper Source] Sheet

[Quality] Sheet

Common Functions

[Device Settings] Sheet

System Requirements

Before Printing from a Computer

Selecting the Appropriate Printer Driver


Setting the Printer Options

Other Software Programs

Printing Fundamentals


Configuring the Default Print Settings

Viewing the Online Help

Scaling Documents

Printing Multiple Pages on One Sheet

1-sided Printing and 2-sided Printing

Booklet Printing

Poster Printing

Watermark Printing

Combining and Printing Multiple Files

Selecting a Profile for Printing

Registering a Profile for Printing

Printing from a Computer (Mac)

Printing Functions

Common Functions

[Layout] Preferences Pane

[Finishing] Preferences Pane

[Paper Source] Preferences Pane

[Quality] Preferences Pane

[Special Features] Preferences Pane

System Requirements

Before Printing from a Computer

Selecting the Appropriate Printer Driver


Setting the Printer Options

Verifying the Printer Information
Manually Setting the Printer Options

Other Software Programs

Printing Fundamentals


Configuring the Default Page Settings

Viewing the Online Help

Scaling Documents

Printing Multiple Pages on One Sheet

1-sided Printing and 2-sided Printing

Booklet Printing

Using [Presets] for Printing

Setting the Machine (PS/PCL/UFR II Printer)

Printing Flow With This Machine

Combinations and Names of Printer Kit Options

Differences in Operation with UFR II, PCL, PS, and Direct Print Printers


Menu Functions

Accessing the Settings Menu

Canceling Print Jobs

Report Settings

Settings Menu (Common Settings)


2-Sided Printing

Paper Feed

Paper Output

Print Quality


Auto Continue

Secure Print Delete Time


Print After Completing RIP


Saddle Stitch

Creep Correction

Transparency Interleaving

Copy Set Numbering


Mode Priority


UFR II Settings


Paper Save

PCL Settings

Paper Save


Font Number

Point Size


Form Lines

Symbol Set

Custom Paper

Unit of Measure

X dimension

Y dimension

Append CR to LF

Enlarge A4 Print Width


PS Settings

Job Timeout

Print PS Errors


Grayscale Conversion

Dot Gain Adjustment

Imaging Settings

Image Orientation


Print Position

Show Warnings

Enlarge Print Area


Grayscale Conversion

PDF Settings

Enlarge/Reduce to Fit Size

Enlarge Print Area

N on 1

Comment Print


Grayscale Conversion

Dot Gain Adjustment

XPS Settings


Grayscale Conversion

Utility Settings

Restricting Printer Jobs

PDL Selection (Plug-n-play)

Printing Directly Using the Command Prompt

Printing Problems

If Trouble Occurs When Downloading Fonts or Macros from a Personal Computer

Some Basic Facts about Fonts

What Is a Font?

Attributes of Fonts

Fonts and Scalable Fonts

Checking the Font Lists for Available Fonts

Typeface Samples

Symbol Sets 1

Symbol Sets 2

Symbol Sets 3

Symbol Sets 4

Symbol Sets 5

Configuration Page

Release Notes

Bar Code Printing


Menus and Their Functions

Building/Printing a Bar Code

Control Codes

Font Parameters

Bar Code Format Parameters

Bar Code Usages and Formats


List of Error Messages

Printing Problems

Collapse all|Expand all
Paper Output


[Off]*, [Collate], [Rotate+Collate], [Rotate+Group], [Offset+Collate], [Copies], [Offset+Group], [Staple+Collate], [Staple+Group]
Copies to Offset (Offset+Collate):
1 to 9999; 1*
Staple Position (Staple+Collate):
Corner (Upper-L), Double (Top), Corner (Upper-R), Double (Right), Corner (Lower-R), Double (Bottom), Corner (Lower-L), and Double (Left)
Staple Position (Staple+Group):
Grp Upp L-Corner, Grp Double(Top), Grp Upp R-Corner, Grp Double(R), Grp Lwr R-Corner, Grp Double(Btm), Grp Lwr L-Corner, and Grp Double(L)

Some of the above options require specific delivery trays and may not be available unless appropriate delivery trays are attached.
: Available      - : Unavailable
Inner Finisher-D1
Inner 2Way Tray-H1
Staple Finisher-G1, Booklet Finisher-G1
You can choose from several features when collating printed matter.
This setting prints all copies of the same page before printing the next page.
This setting prints all pages of each copy before printing the next copy.
This setting prints all pages of each copy (collating), and rotates every other complete copy 90 degrees to indicate where each copy starts.
This setting prints all copies of the same page before printing the next page. It rotates every other complete set of pages to indicate where each new set starts.
This setting prints all pages of each copy (collating). It offsets every other complete copy by the number specified with this setting to indicate where each copy starts.
This setting prints all copies of the same page before printing the next page. It offsets every other complete set of pages to indicate where each new set starts.
This setting prints all pages of each copy (collating) and prepares them for stapling according to the option selected for [Staple+Collate].
This setting prints all copies of the same page before printing the next page, and prepares them for stapling according to the option selected for [Staple+Group].
Examples of each Finishing option when printing three copies of a three page document:
A large print job may be automatically canceled by the machine. The maximum number of pages that can be printed at one time is approximately 8,000 pages. However, this number may be fewer than 8,000 if other functions (such as registering a form) are in use, or other jobs are being processed.
[Rotate+Collate] and [Rotate+Group] are available if the paper size is A4, A4R, B5, B5R, LTR, or LTRR.
If you select [Rotate+Collate] or [Rotate+Group], part of the print image may be cut off when the image is rotated. You need to load the same size paper as the original in the paper drawers in both landscape and portrait positions. If you do not, all the sheets will be printed in the orientation that the loaded paper is in.
[Offset+Collate] and [Offset+Group] are available if you select the following paper size.
When the Staple finisher or Booklet Finisher is attached: A3, B4, A4, A4R, B5, 11"x17", LGL, LTR, LTRR
When you select [Staple+Collate] or [Staple+Group], you can select the stapling position.
When you are stapling paper in landscape orientation, the image orientation and the staple position may not match.
Inner Finisher-D1/Staple Finisher-G1/Booklet Finisher-G1
: Available       - : Unavailable
Corner (Upper-Left)
Double (Top)
Corner (Upper-Right)
Double (Right)
Corner (Lower-Right)
Double (Bottom)
Corner (Lower-Left)
Double (Left)
11" x 17"
* Stapling can be performed only if paper of the same size is loaded with a different orientation (e.g. A4 for A4R). In this case, the document is automatically rotated before it is output.
The maximum number of sheets of plain or heavy type paper that can be stapled at one time is:
A3, B4, A4R, 11" × 17", LGL, LTRR: 30 sheets
A4, B5, LTR, EXEC: 50 sheets
Make sure to select compatible settings when using Staple and Punch simultaneously. If conflicting settings are selected, such as the staple setting for the right side of the paper and the punch setting for the left, the printer will use neither Staple nor Punch.

[Off]*, [Top], [Bottom], [Left], [Right]

This setting enables you to specify the desired paper position for holes to be punched for binding.

This function is available for selection if the External 2 Hole Puncher-B2 is attached to the Staple Finisher-G1 or Booklet Finisher-G1.