Import/Export can only be performed by the administrator.
Since importing will cause the original settings to be overwritten, be aware that the machine may not operate or function properly depending on the imported content.Below is a common example of this.
For more information on Import All conditions, see "Available Settings Information Table with the Import All Function." Depending on the item, you may need to specify the settings again after importing.
When importing Department ID Management settings, system manager settings, such as ID and password, are also overwritten.When [Department ID Management] is set to 'On' in [Management Settings] (Settings/Registration), and SSO-H is used, you may become unable to login.
If preferences set on the exporting machine are different from that of the importing machine, you may become unable to connect to the network.
The Import/Export operation may take some time to complete. Do not turn the machine's main power Off until the operation is complete. Otherwise, the machine may malfunction.
During an Export operation, the screen display does not change until the operation is complete. Do not click [Start Exporting] while the hourglass or pointer indicates that the operation is still being processed.
The machine's control panel cannot be used while files are being imported/exported.