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Top » Problem Solving » Clearing Staple Jams (For Optional Products) » Inner Finisher-D1
Inner Finisher-D1
Check the location of the staple jam, and follow the procedure described below, while referring to the directions that appear on the touch panel display, to remove the jammed staple.
Make sure to close all covers and paper drawers of the machine before clearing any staple jams.
The Inner Finisher-D1 is an optional product.

Remove any jammed paper protruding from the output tray.
Pull out the staple case.
1. Open the front cover of the finisher.
2. Pull out the staple case, holding it by the green tab.
Remove any staples jammed in the staple case.
1. Push down the tab on the staple case.
2. Remove all of the staples that slide from the staple cartridge.
3. Return the tab on the staple case to its original position.
Attach the staple case.
1. Gently push the staple case back into the finisher and push down firmly until it is securely in place.
2. Close the front cover of the finisher.
When closing the cover, be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this may result in personal injury.
After the cover is closed, the stapler unit may automatically perform a "dry" stapling operation to reposition the staples.