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Overview of This Function

Advanced Box/Network Settings

Mail Box

Advanced Box


Memory Media

Flow of Scan and Store Operations

Storing Scanned Originals in a Mail Box

Storing Scanned Originals in the Advanced Box

Storing Originals on the Network

Storing Originals into Memory Media

Canceling a Job While Scanning

Storing Originals While Printing

Favorite Settings

Storing Favorite Settings

Recalling and Deleting Favorite Settings

Switching the Color Mode

Setting the Resolution

Changing the Zoom Ratio

Specifying/Registering Scan Sizes

Setting the File Format

Trace and Smooth

Compact PDF Files

Searchable PDF Files

PDF Files with a Digital Signature

Encrypting PDF Files

Applying a Policy

Storing a Reader Extensions Compatible PDF

Selecting the Original Type

Adjusting Density Manually

Adjusting Background Density

2-Sided Original

Book → 2 Pages

Booklet Scanning

N on 1

Erase Frame

Different Size Originals

Job Build

Inverting Images (Nega/Posi)

Adjusting the Image Sharpness

Combination of Functions Chart

Collapse all|Expand all
Job Build
This mode enables you to store originals that are too many to be placed at once as a single file, by dividing them into multiple batches. You can use both the feeder and the platen glass for scanning.
As an example, the procedure for selecting a mail box as the storage location is explained in this section.
Press [Scan and Store] → [Mail Box].
Select the desired Mail Box → press [Scan].
Press [Options] → [Job Build] → [Close].
Press (Start).
To cancel scanning, press [Stop] or (Stop).
When scanning is complete, place your next batch of originals → press (Start).
If you want to change the scan settings for the next document, press [Change Settings] before pressing the Start button to change any of the following settings.
Select Color: Switching the Color Mode
Select Scan Size: Specifying/Registering Scan Sizes
2-Sided Original: 2-Sided Original
Density: Adjusting Density Manually
Original Type: Selecting the Original Type
After the last batch of originals is scanned, press [Start Storing].

For information on the modes which cannot be set in combination with this mode, see "Combination of Functions Chart."
If you place your originals in the feeder, remove the originals from the original output area when the scanning of each batch is complete.
You can change only those settings appearing in [Change Settings] while in the Job Build mode. You need to specify the necessary scan settings in advance.
If you want to place different size originals in the feeder, set [Different Size Originals]. (See "Different Size Originals.")
If you want to scan one-sided and two-sided originals and store them as two-sided documents, divide the originals into one-sided and two-sided batches. For example, if the first batch consists of two-sided originals, set [2-Sided Original]. Thereafter, you have to manually set or cancel [2-Sided Original] for each batch of originals that you scan.
It is useful to store originals in a mail box first, and print them later using the Merge File mode if you cannot prepare the originals at one time, or if you want to specify different settings for each original. (See "Printing Files Stored in a Mail Box.")