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Overview of This Function

Processing Received Files

Memory RX Inbox

Memory RX Inbox

Receiving Files Through Fax or I-Fax

Checking the Detailed Information for/Deleting a File in the Memory RX Inbox

Printing a File in the Memory RX Inbox

Sending a File in the Memory RX Inbox

Divided Data RX Inbox

Confidential Fax Inbox

Checking the Detailed Information for/Deleting a File in a Confidential Fax Inbox

Printing a File in a Confidential Fax Inbox

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Confidential Fax Inbox
If a file received by Fax/I-Fax matches the specified forwarding conditions, it is stored in the Confidential Fax Inbox without being printed. This feature is useful for receiving confidential files. You can print files stored in the Confidential Fax Inbox whenever necessary.

In order to use a Confidential Fax Inbox, it is first necessary to register the Confidential Fax Inbox as a forwarding destination in [Forwarding Settings]. (See "Storing Forwarding Settings.")
It is necessary to inform the other party of the forwarding conditions beforehand.
If a message prompting you to enter the PIN appears, enter the number registered in [Set/Register Confidential Fax Inboxes] in [Set Fax/I-Fax Inbox]. (See "Specifying the Fax/I-Fax Inbox Settings.")