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Overview of This Function

Processing Received Files

Memory RX Inbox

Memory RX Inbox

Receiving Files Through Fax or I-Fax

Checking the Detailed Information for/Deleting a File in the Memory RX Inbox

Printing a File in the Memory RX Inbox

Sending a File in the Memory RX Inbox

Divided Data RX Inbox

Confidential Fax Inbox

Checking the Detailed Information for/Deleting a File in a Confidential Fax Inbox

Printing a File in a Confidential Fax Inbox

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Printing a File in the Memory RX Inbox
Press [Fax/I-Fax Inbox] → [Memory RX Inbox].
Press [Memory RX Inbox].
Select the file that you want to print → press [Print].
Press [Start Printing].

You can print stored files only with the same settings as when they were received.
Files stored in the Memory RX Inbox are automatically deleted after you print them.
You cannot print multiple files simultaneously. To print multiple files, select and print one file at a time.
If you set <Fax Memory Lock> and/or <I-Fax Memory Lock> to 'Off', files received through the Fax/I-Fax function are automatically printed and deleted from the Memory RX Inbox.