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Top » Fax/I-Fax Inbox » Memory RX Inbox » Memory RX Inbox » Receiving Files Through Fax or I-Fax

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Overview of This Function

Processing Received Files

Memory RX Inbox

Memory RX Inbox

Receiving Files Through Fax or I-Fax

Checking the Detailed Information for/Deleting a File in the Memory RX Inbox

Printing a File in the Memory RX Inbox

Sending a File in the Memory RX Inbox

Divided Data RX Inbox

Confidential Fax Inbox

Checking the Detailed Information for/Deleting a File in a Confidential Fax Inbox

Printing a File in a Confidential Fax Inbox

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Receiving Files Through Fax or I-Fax
You can set whether to automatically print received Faxes and I-Faxes, or store them in the Memory RX Inbox.
Press [Fax/I-Fax Inbox] → [Memory RX Inbox].
Press [Memory RX Inbox].
Set <I-Fax Memory Lock>/<Fax Memory Lock>.
Received files are stored in the Memory RX Inbox.
Received files are printed automatically.
If you have set [Memory Lock Start Time]/[Memory Lock End Time] in [Set Fax/I-Fax Inbox] in [Function Settings] (Settings/Registration), the following is displayed:
When you select [On] for <Fax Memory Lock>/<I-Fax Memory Lock>: The end time for Memory Lock is displayed.
When you select [Off] for <Fax Memory Lock>/<I-Fax Memory Lock>: The start time for Memory Lock is displayed.
If you set <Fax Memory Lock> and/or <I-Fax Memory Lock> to 'Off', files received through the Fax/I-Fax function are automatically printed and deleted from the Memory RX Inbox.
Press [Back] repeatedly until the Inbox Selection screen appears.