Adding a Digital Signature to a PDF or XPS |
This mode enables you to send PDF or XPS documents with a digital signature. The following digital signature can be used on this machine. |
This mode uses the device signature certificate and key pair inside the machine to add a digital signature to the document, which enables the recipient to verify which device scanned it. The recipient can verify the device that signed the document, and whether the document has been changed after it was signed. This mode is for PDF or XPS file.
This mode uses information about the user currently logged in to the machine using an SSO-H login service and the user signature certificate and key pair inside the machine to add a digital signature to the document, which enables the recipient to verify which user signed it. The recipient can verify the user that signed the document, and whether the document has been changed after it was signed. This mode is for PDF or XPS file.
Visible Signatures is a mode that enables you to visualize the device signature and user signature on the PDF file. If the Visible Signatures is set, the device signature and user signature becomes visible. Visible device signature and user signature are displayed on the first page of the PDF file. Therefore, the recipient can easily see that the PDF file has a digital signature. This mode is only for PDF files with a device signature or user signature. |
Remark |
Adding a Device Signature |
Adding a User Signature |
Adding Visible Signatures |