Replacing the Staple Cartridge
0UUY-0HC 0X7F-0KC 0X6E-0KC 0X7C-0KC 0WXY-0KE 0WR6-0KK 0WR5-0KK 0UW1-0HC 0X7H-0KC 0X6W-0KC 0X7A-0KC 0X7E-0KC 0WR7-0KK 0WR8-0KK
When staples in the stapler unit of the finisher or in the saddle stitcher unit almost run out, an icon prompting you to replace the staple cartridge appears at the bottom-right of the touch panel display. Press the icon, and follow the on-screen instructions to replace the staple cartridge.
The replacement method for the staple cartridge of the stapler unit varies depending on the configuration of the optional equipment.
The replacement method for the staple cartridge of the saddle stitcher unit varies depending on the configuration of the optional equipment.
Take care when handling the optional equipment that is attached to the machine. Copying or printing may be performed while the staple cartridge is being replaced.
For information on the product number for the staples, see Consumables.