Changing Login Services

The application to implement user authentication is called the "Login Service." The machine is set to use "User Authentication (personal authentication management)" for the login service by default. If you want to use "DepartmentID Authentication," change the login service in the SMS.

Changing the Login Service

Log in to the Remote UI. Starting the Remote UI
Click [Service Management Service] on the portal page.
Click [System Application Management] [Start] in [SMS Installer Service (Password Authentication)].
The status becomes [Start].
Click [Enhanced System Application Management]  [Switch] in [DepartmentID Authentication].
The status becomes [Start after Restart].
Restart the machine. Restarting the Machine
The machine restarts to reflect the setting.
When DepartmentID Authentication is started
If you click [Service Management Service] on the portal page of the Remote UI, the login screen to the SMS is displayed. "MeapSmsLogin" is set as the login password for the SMS.
If you log in with "MeapSmsLogin," the screen for changing the password is displayed. For security purposes, follow the on-screen instructions to change the password.
The password for the SMS can be changed later with [Change Password] in [System Management].
Return to User Authentication
Click [Enhanced System Application Management] [Change] in [User Authentication] restart the machine click [System Application Management] [Stop] in [SMS Installer Service (Password Authentication)].

Setting When Using DepartmentID Authentication

When implementing Department ID Management with the DepartmentID Authentication, make sure that the administrator (system administrator) manages the Department IDs and PINs. To enhance security, log in with the system administrator's ID (System Manager ID) and make sure to change the system administrator's ID and PIN.

Changing the System Manager ID and PIN

Enabling Department ID Management

Login Operation When Department ID Management Using the DepartmentID Authentication is Enabled

Implementing Function Restrictions and User Management
