Performing Complex Tasks at the Touch of a Button: Workflow Composer
What Is a Flow?
Workflow Composer and Workflow Composer Editor can enhance the efficiency of routine and repetitive office tasks.
These applications enable you to register a combination of frequently used machine functions as a "flow" button. By pressing this button, you can repeatedly reuse the same combination of functions with ease.
For example, reducing the original, converting the scanned data into a PDF file, and then e-mailing that PDF can all be performed by pushing just one button.
Benefits of Workflow Composer and Related Applications
Streamline your office tasks
You can execute a flow of operations by pressing one button. You can save time spent repeatedly performing complex operations.
Manage flows for each user using an authentication system
Shared and Personal flow buttons are displayed when you login to the machine using an authentication system. Personal flows can only be used by individual users, while Shared flows are available for use by all users.
Set the output method
You can specify output settings, such as the file format to save in, to meet various purposes.
Register/edit flows on your computer
You can use the accompanying software, Workflow Composer Editor, to register/edit flows from your computer.
Workflow Composer and Workflow Composer Editor
Workflow Composer is a MEAP application that enables you to create and execute flows on your machine.
Workflow Composer Editor is a Windows application that you can use to create flows on your computer.
Flows created using Workflow Composer Editor can be uploaded to a machine with Workflow Composer and edited, duplicated, or executed from the machine.
» Practical Workflows » Performing Complex Tasks at the Touch of a Button: Workflow Composer