You can edit only user-registered paper types.
You cannot change the detailed information for paper currently being used for copy/print jobs.
You can sort the paper type list by registration date ([Registered]), name ([Name]), or basis weight ([Weight]) from the Sort List drop-down list.
When you register the settings for the custom paper type, make sure to change its name. You cannot change the settings of the default paper types registered in the machine.
If you enter a value that is different to the actual weight of the paper, paper jams may occur, and the quality of the image may be adversely affected.
If you select a finishing type which is different from the actual surface texture of the paper, paper jams may occur, and the quality of the image may be adversely affected.
If you select a paper type which is different from the actual paper type, paper jams may occur, and the quality of the image may be adversely affected.
If you select a color which is different from the actual color of the paper, paper jams may occur, and the quality of the image may be adversely affected.
For more information on creep (displacement), see "Booklet Mode" and "Two-Sided Printing."
The value you set here becomes the default correction width when the selected paper type is used for saddle stitching with automatic [Creep Correction].
You can only delete user-registered paper types.