Managing the Logs

You can use the logs to check or analyze how the machine is being used. A variety of information about each operation is recorded in the logs, such as the operation date/time, user name, operation type, function type, and operation result. For more information on the types of logs, see System Specifications. Administrator privileges are required in order to manage the logs.

Starting Log Recording

Follow the procedure below to start recording logs.
Start the Remote UI  [Settings/Registration]  [Device Management]  [Export/Clear Audit Log]  [Audit Log Information]  Click [Start] for [Audit Log Collection]
If Sleep Mode Energy Use is set to [High], logs are not collected when the machine enters the Sleep mode.
When generating a network connection log, mail box authentication log, mail box document operation log, or machine management log, click [Device Management] [Save Audit Log] select the check box for [Save Audit Log] click [OK] [Apply Setting Changes].
When generating an Advanced Box operation log, click [Advanced Box Settings] select the check box for [Save Operation Log] click [OK] [Apply Setting Changes].

Exporting Logs Automatically

You can set the machine to automatically export audit logs to a specified folder at a predetermined time each day, or when the number of audit logs reaches 95% of the maximum number (approximately 38,000).
Start the Remote UI. Starting the Remote UI
Click [Settings/Registration] on the portal page. Remote UI Screen
Click [Device Management] [Export/Clear Audit Log]  [Settings for Auto Export Audit Logs].
Select the check box for [Use Auto Export] and specify the required settings.
[User Name:] / [Password:]
Enter the user name and password necessary for logging into a server to which logs are exported.
[SMB Server Name:]
Enter the host name of the SMB server to export log files to, along with the path that requires authentication.
\\Host Name
\\IP Address\Shared Folder Name
[Destination Folder Path:]
Enter the path for the folder in which to store the log files.
[Perform At:]
You can specify the time at which to perform exporting.
Click [Check Connection], confirm that you can connect, and then click [Update].
Audit logs will now be automatically exported. The file extension is "csv."
After automatic exporting of the audit logs has succeeded, the collected audit logs are automatically deleted. Audit logs cannot be deleted manually.
After automatic exporting and deleting of the audit logs have succeeded, each log is generated. If other log collections do not occur by the next automatic export time, the audit log will not be automatically exported.
You can also manually export audit logs from the Remote UI. Exporting a Log as a File
If automatic exporting fails, the machine will retry multiple times. An error message is displayed on the control panel of the machine if automatic exporting fails even once.
Specify an SMB server for Windows Server 2012 or later, or Windows 8 or later.
If the machine is turned OFF, exporting will not be performed, even at the specified time. Also, it will not be performed when the machine recovers.
If the machine is in the Sleep mode, it will automatically recover and perform exporting at the specified time.
Note that if you are using a server that does not support SMB v3.0 encrypted communication, audit log data travels unencrypted across communication paths while it is being automatically exported.
Depending on your environment, automatic exporting of logs may be performed later than the specified time.
Follow the instructions on the screen to specify the location to store the files.
The csv files are stored.

Exporting a Log as a File

The various logs can be exported and saved to a computer as CSV files, which can be opened using a CSV file editor or a text editor.
When exporting logs as files, use TLS or IPSec. Configuring the IPSec Settings
Start the Remote UI  [Settings/Registration]  [Device Management]  [Export/Clear Audit Log]  [Export Audit Logs]  [Export]  Follow the on-screen instructions to save the file
If you want to automatically delete all logs after they are exported, select the check box for [Delete logs from device after export] before clicking [Export]. If you then click [Cancel], exporting is canceled and the logs are deleted, even if they were not finished being exported as files.

Deleting the Logs

You can delete all of the collected logs.
Start the Remote UI  [Settings/Registration]  [Device Management]  [Export/Clear Audit Log]  [Delete Audit Logs]  [Delete]  [Yes]
If [Settings for Auto Export Audit Logs] is enabled, you cannot manually delete audit logs.