Errors Relating to the [Install MEAP Application] Page
The file for the application to install does not exist or the file path is incorrect. Try to specify the path again.
The specified file does not exist or the file path is incorrect.
Specify the file path correctly.
The file for the license to install does not exist or the file path is incorrect. Try to specify the path again.
The license file does not exist on the specified path or the file path is incorrect.
Specify the file path correctly.
The manifest is not listed in the specified file. Check the file.
A manifest does not exist for the file specified as the application file.
This application cannot be installed. Contact the application developer.
The contents of the file for the application to install are incorrect or information is missing. Check the file.
Either the content of the files specified as application files is not correct or information is missing.
This application file cannot be installed. Check the file. If there are no problems with the files, contact the application developer or the application support help desk.
The contents of the file for the license to install are incorrect or information is missing. Check the file.
Either the content of the files specified as license files is not correct or information is missing.
This license file cannot be installed. Check the file. If there are no problems with the files, contact the application developer or the application support help desk.
The following information is missing in file for the specified application. Check the file. <Missing information>
The application cannot be installed because required information is not included in the application file.
Check the file. If there are no problems with the files, contact the application developer or the application support help desk concerning the <Missing Information>.
The following information in the specified application is incorrect. Check the file. <Inaccurate information>
Problem 1
<Inaccurate information> in the application file cannot be recognized as correct information.
Contact the application developer or the application support help desk.
Problem 2
If the <Inaccurate information> is the MEAP Specifications, the application's MEAP specification values and the printer's MEAP specification values do not match.
Contact your local authorized Canon dealer or sales representatives.
Cannot install this application because a code signing has not been confirmed to be valid. Get a valid code signing.
Problem 1
Cannot confirm that there is a valid code signature inside the application file.
Perform the correct code signing operation for the application.
Problem 2
The file may have been altered.
Contact the application developer.
Cannot install this license because the specified application and license do not correspond. Try to specify a path for the license file again.
The application cannot be installed because the specified license file does not correspond to the specified application.
Specify the license file that corresponds to the application.
The number of applications that can be installed has exceeded the limit. Try to install this application after uninstalling other applications.
The maximum number of applications that can be installed is eight. You are attempting to install an application that will exceed that number.
You can install it if you first uninstall another installed application (unless it is a system application).
Cannot install this license because the number of license file ID logs that can be saved has exceeded the limit. Contact your service representative.
The license file cannot be installed because the number of license file ID information logs contained in the license file exceeds the number that can be saved.
Contact your local authorized Canon dealer or sales representatives.
Cannot install because a used license file is specified. Try to specify the file again.
License files that have been installed once cannot be installed again. The specified license file has already been installed.
Since the specified license file cannot be installed, specify another file.
To install the specified application, a license file must be installed at the same time. Specify a license file.
You cannot install the application unless you specify the license file that corresponds to the application at the same time.
Specify the corresponding license file when specifying the application, and then install them.
The specified file is a system application. Install the application from the [Enhanced System Application Management] page.
The specified file is a system application. It cannot be installed from this [Install MEAP Application] page.
Install it from the [Enhanced System Application Management] page.
The specified application does not require a license.
An application file and license file were specified, but the specified application file does not require a license file.
Install the application without specifying a license file.
The specified license does not match this device. Specify an installable license.
License files contain the serial number information of printers in which the license file can be installed. The specified license cannot be installed because it does not contain the printer's serial number information.
Specify a license file that matches the printer's serial number.
The specified application does not support this device.
Some applications can only be installed in certain printer models. It cannot be installed in this model.
Specify an application that supports this printer.
Cannot install this application because an applet included in the specified application has exceeded the area that can be displayed in the device panel.
The application cannot be installed because the display area of an applet included in the application exceeds the area that can be displayed on the operation panel of the printer.
Install an application that contains applets that support this printer.
The specified file is an update file. Stop the application that you want update and then install the file.
The specified application file is a file for updating an application which is already installed. It is necessary to stop the application which is to be updated before updating.
Stop the application that you want to update, and then perform the update again.
Cannot install the application because the license requirement is different. Uninstall the specified application, and then try to install the application again.
You have tried to upgrade an application which is already installed using a version of the same application with different license requirements.
Upgrade using the same license conditions.
Cannot install this application because storage space has been exceeded. Uninstall other applications and then try to install it again.
The application cannot be installed because there is not enough free storage capacity.
Make storage capacity available by uninstalling an application that is not being used.
Could not cancel installation. Installation has been successfully completed.
The [Cancel] button was pressed when the installation operation could not be cancelled.
Disable the license file, download it from the [License Management] page, and then uninstall it.
This application does not support the MEAP version of the device. Contact your service representative after checking the application version.
The specified application cannot be installed because it does not support the MEAP version on this printer.
Contact the application developer.
The specified application cannot be installed on this device.
The specified application cannot be installed because there is not enough memory in the printer.
Contact your local authorized Canon dealer or sales representatives.
The process is canceled because the system has been shut down. Restart the system, and then perform the process again.
The installation could not be completed because it conflicted with a system shutdown.
Restart the printer and perform the install again.
Cannot install the application or license because another application is being installed, or the firmware being updated. Please wait a moment and then try again.
Either it is installed in another application outside of SMS, or the application cannot be installed because the firmware has been updated.
Wait until the processing stops before installing the application.
Error: <Error Details>
An error has occurred for some reason. See <Error Details> for details.
If the solutions given in <Error Details> are unclear, contact your local authorized Canon dealer or sales representatives.
» MEAP » List of Error Messages (MEAP) » Errors Relating to the [Install MEAP Application] Page