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Required Privileges
Administrator privileges for the Tenant
Information Required in Advance
E-mail address of the new user
This is required to send the information required to log in for the first time from Canon Business Imaging Online via e-mail.
Name of the new user
[Use mail address]
The e-mail address entered in the user account field is used as the user ID.
[Use dedicated Canon Business Imaging Online user ID]
"@" and the tenant ID is added to the right of the string entered in the user account field to create the user ID.
Number of characters
Type of characters
E-mail address
Left side of @:
64 characters or less |
Right side of @:
Single-byte alphanumeric characters ! $ % - . \ ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ (The address cannot start with "." or end with "." or include consecutive ".".) |
Right side of @:
228 characters or less |
Right side of @:
Single-byte alphanumeric characters - . (Start the address with an alphanumeric character. The address cannot end with "." or include consecutive ".".) |
255 characters or less |
Canon Business Imaging Online original format
64 characters or less
Single-byte alphanumeric characters
! $ % - . \ ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ (Cannot start with "." or end with "." or include consecutive ".".) |
User accounts cannot be edited after they are registered.
Number of characters
Type of characters
6 to 32 characters
Single-byte alphanumeric characters
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < > = ? @ [ ] ¥ ^ _ ` { } | ~
The password must contain at least one lowercase letter and one numeral. The password is valid for 90 days.
If you set [Notification of Completion of User Registration], the password entered here will not be used by the new user.
Number of characters
Type of characters
Left side of @
64 characters or less
Single-byte alphanumeric characters
! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ .
(The address cannot start with "." or "=" or end with "." or include consecutive ".".)
Right side of @
228 characters or less
Single-byte alphanumeric characters
- .
(Start the address with an alphanumeric character. The address cannot end with "." or include consecutive ".".)
255 characters or less
The following information is sent to new users via e-mail.
User ID
URL for setting the password
Number of characters
Type of characters
Last Name
16 characters or less
First Name
For information on the differences between administrator users and general users for a Tenant, see "Terms Used in This Manual".
Number of characters
Type of characters
63 characters or less
For information on the difference between the [Administrator] role and the [User] role, see "Terms Used in This Manual".
If there are no licenses available for use, roles cannot be assigned to users.
Information for logging in as the new user is sent to the e-mail address specified in [E-mail Address for Notification].
If [Notify the user when user registration is complete] was not selected, use another method to notify the new user of the account information.