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Required Privileges
Administrator privileges for the Tenant (assigned to the operational administrator by default)
Information Required in Advance
The following information for logging in for the first time is included in the e-mail from Canon Business Imaging Online.
Operational administrator user ID
URL for setting the password
The URL for setting the password included in the e-mail sent to the operational administrator for the new Tenant is valid for 120 hours.
Number of characters
Type of characters
Left side of @
64 characters or less
Single-byte alphanumeric characters
! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ .
(The address cannot start with "." or "=" or end with "." or include consecutive ".".)
Right side of @
228 characters or less
Single-byte alphanumeric characters
- .
(Start the address with an alphanumeric character. The address cannot end with "." or include consecutive ".".)
255 characters or less
Number of characters
Type of characters
Last Name
16 characters or less
First Name
"admin" is registered as the default value for the first name and last name of the operational administrator when the tenant is created. Make sure to change them.
Number of characters
Type of characters
63 characters or less