You can implement security measures such as Forced Secure Watermark and Document Scan Lock to help prevent unauthorized copying and information leakage.
The Forced Secure Watermark mode enables you to embed hidden text (latent image) in the background of your outputs.
The hidden text will become visible if your output (original) is copied, helping to restrict unauthorized copying and information leakage.
This mode enables you to embed hidden information (TL code) on the background of the copies to help restrict unauthorized copying. You can also embed information such as the user name, date/time, and device name as hidden text. You can analyze the hidden text using the Document Scan Code Analyzer for MEAP and find out whom, when, and with which machine the copy was made. Also, by using the detection mode for the embedded information, you can help prevent scanning of the documents with embedded information or double embedding of information.
Original with Embedded TL Code (Scan Lock Information) |
Scan |
Copying/Sending/Storing are restricted |