» Security » User Access Control for Advanced Box » Editing User Information by General Users
Editing User Information by General Users
General users of [User Access Control for Advanced Box] can change their own password.
Start your Web browser → enter the following URL in the address bar.
http://<IP address of the machine or host name>
You can also log in by entering the URL of [User Access Control for Advanced Box] in the address bar, as indicated below. (Case sensitive.)
http://<IP address or host name of the machine>:8000/uactrl/
Click [General User Login].
If the Department ID Management or authentication for SSO-H is set, enter the necessary items for each log in.
Click [User Access Control for Advanced Box] from the Basic Tools.
Enter the user name and password → click [Login].
Click [Edit].
Enter the new password in [New Password] and [Confirm] → click [Update].
Click [Log Out from User Access Control] to finish the operation.